Improving VISIBILITY for sponsors

Improving Visibility for Sponsors

Sponsors play a crucial role in the success of sports teams and athletes. For Doltcini

O’Shea, the significant media attention translates into several benefits for their


1. Enhanced Brand Image: Being associated with a successful and high-profile

team like Doltcini O’Shea positively impacts the sponsor’s brand image. It

portrays the sponsors as supporters of excellence and progress in sports.

2. Increased Customer Engagement: Media coverage often includes stories

about the athlete journeys, challenges, and achievements. These narratives

resonate with audiences and create emotional connections, leading to

increased customer engagement with the sponsor’s brand.

3. Expanded Market Reach: Coverage in international publications such as the

BBC and the Independent means that the sponsor’s brand reaches a global

audience. This expanded market reach can lead to new business

opportunities and customer bases.

Doltcini O’Shea’s impressive media presence in over 180 publications is a significant

milestone not only for the team but also for their sponsors. This level of publicity

enhances brand awareness, attracts new fans, and boosts the overall value of

sponsorship deals. Moreover, the team’s visibility is instrumental in promoting

women’s cycling, inspiring future generations, and advancing gender equality in


Thank you

We are thrilled to have O’Shea Plant Hire onboard as a long-term sponsor and

supporter of the team as well as ABUS, who provide our riders with top-of-the-line


Get involved

For sponsorship opportunities contact Pat Hayes, Team Owner & General Manager:

07753 859090

Examples of coverage in regional and local press include:

The Standard

Shropshire Star

Jersey Evening Post

The Argus

The National

Hampshire Chronicle

Gazette and Herald

Echo News

Bournemouth Echo

Guardian Series

Inverness Courier

Oxford Mail

South Wales Argus

Express and Star

Northern Scot

Enfield Independent

Bracknell News

The Weston Mercury

York Press

Guernsey Press

News Shopper

Bury Times

Gazette News

Somerset County Gazette

Wharfedale Observer

Swindon Advertiser

The Gazette

Islington Gazette

Glasgow Times

Northwich Guardian

Great Yarmouth Mercury

North Norfolk News

Keighley News

East London Advertiser

Romford Recorder

Craven Herald

News and Star

Thurrock Gazette


Examples of coverage in online sites include:



Yahoo Sport


Your Local Guardian

Kent Online



Doltcini o’shea in the press